Calling All Educators! Friends of Chrisholm Offers Field Trip Assistance

Aug 8, 2023, 12:26 PM by Katie Ely-Wood

MetroParks of Butler County and the Friends of Chrisholm are partnering to offset the cost of field trips to the Chrisholm MetroPark Historic Farmstead. A new scholarship program will cover the cost of programming and busing for students, teachers, and chaperones and is available to all Butler County public schools. The application is FREE, with a limited number of scholarships available. F

ield trips at Chrisholm MetroPark are targeted to grades K-5 and are based on the State of Ohio science and social studies content standards. Field trip content will cover a variety of agricultural education topics. “A visit to the farm is filled with engaging sensory experiences which are so important to child development. Nothing beats petting a goat, hearing chickens’ banter and moving your body playing games, all while learning where our food comes from. MetroParks’ goal is to create a memorable experience for every student,” said Suzanne Roth, Director of Programming and Education.

The Chrisholm MetroPark Historic Farmstead is a 17-acre property featuring the historic Augspurger House, an Amish-Mennonite settlement which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The park also has a nature playscape, plenty of space to run around, and an outdoor shelter perfect for lunch while students are on site. To learn more and to apply for a scholarship for your class, click here.